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Shortened working week in INA MAZIVA

Shortened working week in INA MAZIVA

A four-day working week project is being piloted at INA MAZIVA

A four-day working week project is being piloted at INA MAZIVA

The new type of working time J25 was introduced on April 1 in INA MAZIVA and is currently in the testing phase in the processes of production and filling of finished products. This type of working time involves working 10 hours a day from Monday to Thursday, while Friday is free.


The idea of ​​introducing a shortened working week was encouraged primarily due to the assessment that this way of conducting production processes will lead to savings in energy consumption, namely steam and electricity, whose biggest consumer is production. In addition to direct financial savings on energy and a reduction in our carbon footprint, productivity is also projected to increase and overall employee satisfaction.


Given the very important impressions of our employees who are affected by this change, we conducted a survey on their expectations in terms of reconciling private and business commitments, efforts, and productivity. The surveys will be conducted again after a certain time of applying the new type of working time, which will later determine how satisfied employees are with the current way of working and whether we have met their expectations.